Session Packages

Stress is an integral part of everyone's daily life. The particularly elevated levels of this can affect the functionality and performance of the brain with the result that the quality of life is also affected.
1 qEEG & 15 sessions
15 sessions | 30'(each one)
The functionality and performance of the brain absolutely depend on sleep and its quality. Sleep problems contribute to feeling constantly tired, easily exhausted, moody, and reduced ability to concentrate and mental stamina.
1 qEEG & 15 sessions
15 sessions | 30'(each one)

The ability to concentrate and the memory lead to the immediate handling of the demands of everyday life. The absence of these two intensifies anxiety, feelings and thoughts of inadequacy and simultaneously affects performance or the level of difficulty with which it can be achieved.
1 qEEG & 15 sessions
15 sessions | 30'(each one)
Mental endurance, rapid acquisition and processing of information, and maintaining control and functioning under pressure ensure the
maximum performance. Maximum performance makes success possible.
1 qEEG & 15 sessions
15 sessions |30'(each one)